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At Healica Massage Therapy, our culture is welcoming and approachable to everyone who walks through our doors. We are

steered by the values of professionalism, compassion, respect, and positivity. We make every effort to

be environmentally friendly and only use natural products and ingredients in the clinic.

As Health Care professionals, our philosophy is based around patient care.  We focus on what is best for

our patients.  Depending on your needs, we can refer you to another health care practitioner, help you

find a family doctor in the area, and even recommend a good yoga studio.  We want our patients to feel

comfortable and welcomed, and know that you are getting our undivided attention when you arrive at the clinic.

Massage with hot stones

Hot Stone


Hot stone massage is a full body massage that uses heated stones instead of hands to

manipulate the body. The hot stones expand blood vessels, helping with blood circulation, as

well as has a tranquilizing effect on the body that induces stress relief and relaxation.



acute injury

Acute injuries


An acute injury is an injury that has happened recently, and is not chronic. This can range

anywhere from a strain, a car accident, a fall, or anything traumatic. Massage therapy helps

acute injuries by performing gentle manual lymphatic drainage on the injury site. This helps with

the pain and the swelling.




Scar tissue reduction


Regular massage treatments can help reduce and eventually remove scar tissue in the body

entirely.  The massage helps lymphatic circulation and drainage to expand flexibility and range

of motion in the region with the scar tissue.



Deep Tissue massage

Deep Tissue


During a deep tissue massage, strong pressure is applied to the deepest layers of the muscle

tissue, tendons, and fascia. Deep tissue massage helps release chronic muscle tension, helps

blood circulation, and breaks up scar tissue.



Overuse injuries massage

Chronic Pain


Massage therapy benefits chronic pain sufferers by helping decrease pain, hypertonicity,

promotes relaxation, decreases anxiety, and also decreases firing of the sympathetic nervous







Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder that causes extensive inflammation and pain in the body.

Patients living with fibromyalgia would find massage helpful as it can relax the muscles, relieve

abdominal and headache pains, moderate heart rate, increase joint function, and promote a

better night’s sleep.




Infant Massage


Infant massage is a soft massage that encourages blood circulation, reduces crying, and

improves sleeping patterns in your baby.



Manual lymphatic drainage Massage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage


A manual lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle massage that stimulates the natural drainage

of the lymph, which moves the buildup of waste products and encourages healthy lymph flow.

Manual lymphatic drainage helps patients who suffer from lymphedema pain.



Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage


The combination of massage and therapeutic power of essential oils helps reduce pain, increase

circulation of the blood and lymph, as well as eliminate toxins from the body.



Arthritis massage



Osteoarthritis is chronic degenerative condition that affect joints, articular cartilage and subchondral bone.

Massage eases osteoarthritis by decreasing stiffness, pain, edema, increasing the range of motion, and reducing any existent inflammation.

The concentration is on releasing the compressive force on the joint if possible.



Migraine massage



Migraine headache is a paroxysmal neurological disorder.

Massage can help patients suffering with migraines by relieving stress, helping with sleeping patterns, and decreasing the frequency and harshness of the migraines.



Stress Reduction massage

Stress Reduction & Relaxation


Message Therapy helps to reduce the pain that everyday stress causes on the body, as well as

reduce muscular hypertonicity and sympathetic nervous system firing, and facilitate immune system function.




Hydrotherapy Massage


Hydrotherapy uses water for its therapeutic effects.

Hydrotherapy uses a variety of cold and heat compresses to alleviate chronic conditions, soften connective tissue, and increases vasodilation, circulation, decreases pain, and promotes relaxation.



Multiple Sclerosis massage

Multiple Sclerosis


Massage treatment for an individual with multiple sclerosis helps reduce stress, improve and maintain tissue health, decrease edema, address postural changes and muscle imbalances, and decrease spasticity temporarily.



Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage


Pregnancy massage is a safe and natural way to reduce stress and discomfort throughout pregnancy, decreasing swelling, backaches, leg cramps, and neck pain.




Sports Massage

Sports Massage


Sports massage is aimed towards individuals who have developed an injury from over use or from aggressive activities.

Sports massage helps to limit the inflammatory process, reduce pain and adhesion’s, and prevent future injury.




Strains and Sprains


A strain is an overstretch injury to a musculotendinous unit.

Massage therapy helps maintain range of motion, reduce inflammation, and reduce pain.



TMJ Dysfunction massage

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction


TMJD massage helps reduce the pain and inflammation in the mouth, as well as reduces fascial restrictions, and maintains local circulation. It can also stretch the short muscles in the mouth, mobilize hypermobile joints, and can reduce hypertonicity and trigger points.


Conditions that can be alleviated through massage therapy:

  • Muscular aches and pains
  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Circulatory problems


Outcomes of Connective Tissue Techniques:

  • Separation/lengthening of fascia
  • Promotion of dense connective tissue remodeling
  • Increased muscle extensibility
  • Increase range of motion
  • Increased rib cage mobility
  • Decrease trigger point activity
  • Pain reduction
  • Enhance muscle performance